A sweet girl, Kerena ordered some erm... naughty cupcakes for her beloved boyfriend. How naughty? Well... not that naughty... she just wanted a pair of boobies and buttocks clad in g-string (well, g-string was added for extra 'chic'). Ah, and a Playstation. I bet her boyfriend must be an avid gamer as well.

Happy Birthday, Honey boy~!!! ;)

Miniature cake topped with lotttssaaa lurveeee~

Playstation for gamer bf.

Kerena and Bf emerging out of the cupcakes. Lol~

Cellulite-free buttock. Well, how I wish I got pair of buttock.

A pair of boobies with deeeeppp cleavage.

In the box you go... :)
My first order with boobies and buttocks. I had tonnes of fun making it, and I hope your Bf loves it too, Kerena~
wow, very creative. am impressed!
wah! this is 18SX cupcakes!
i want to see more!!! pls do more of it!!!! maybe can be good for bachelorette/bachelor party!!!
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